hello, I'm doing a smart trash that serves to sort the different types of waste (metal, cardboard, plastic and glass) I want to work with sensors but I found difficulties in detection between plastic glass and cardboard
do you have any ideas on how to distinguish between these types of waste
I will be very grateful if you will help me
thank you
hello, I'm doing a smart trash that serves to sort the different types of waste (metal, cardboard, plastic and glass) I want to work with sensors but I found difficulties in detection between plastic glass and cardboard
do you have any ideas on how to distinguish between these types of waste
I will be very grateful if you will help me
thank you
Sort of basic questions about your system. What do you intend to happen if such material can be detected? What are the minimum and maximum sizes are you waste material?
You have chosen a problem which is exceptionally hard for computers to do and easy for a human to do. What does Google say about it? Who else has done this kind of thing before?
I suspect that we will have widespread use of self-driving cars before this problem is solved.
The density of glass is much higher than the others. There are several automated sorting methods that can take advantage of this. One is using a fan to blow the lower density material to one process path while the high density material goes to another.
Plastic is often transparent, while cardboard is always opaque. So you can have a section of the conveyor belt where light shines through the material to a light sensor, followed by an array of air jets that can be selectively turned on to blow opaque objects to a separate path.
There are a lot of great videos that show how these issues have already been solved in the industry. Spend some time doing research.