Dears , i am searching for long time how to program Arduino mega to operate GLCD 240x128 ( t6963)
finally i did much , everything is ok now , but i still have few needs
i was able to in Void ......( void ) ; and create a graphic ,,,, it is easy , but in loop part ,
the program delete the old view and display the new view , but my request is the folowing.
1- i need to keep the same view but i need to add texts , characters ...
i will try to explain more :
my project is like inserting of characters and save them in E prom , for that i prepared the following tools :
i have keypad + programed arduino uno which can translate each button to serial ( RX , TX ) and transfer data .
then i have another arduino MEGA where i am displaying special view , but i need to add text in it , characters , letters
i want the input TX RX of this arduino mega to read the data commeing in , and add them on the screen inside my view i have
then keep the first character , and second one add beside it
awaiting your reply
best regards