GLCD 240x126 t6963

Dears , i am searching for long time how to program Arduino mega to operate GLCD 240x128 ( t6963)

finally i did much , everything is ok now , but i still have few needs

i was able to in Void ......( void ) ; and create a graphic ,,,, it is easy , but in loop part ,

the program delete the old view and display the new view , but my request is the folowing.

1- i need to keep the same view but i need to add texts , characters ...

i will try to explain more :

my project is like inserting of characters and save them in E prom , for that i prepared the following tools :

i have keypad + programed arduino uno which can translate each button to serial ( RX , TX ) and transfer data .

then i have another arduino MEGA where i am displaying special view , but i need to add text in it , characters , letters

i want the input TX RX of this arduino mega to read the data commeing in , and add them on the screen inside my view i have

then keep the first character , and second one add beside it

awaiting your reply
best regards

You know what you want to do. It's a matter of breaking it down into tasks and finding out how they are done. I do it with internet research to see how other people have done similar things, and reading documentation. The GLCD libraries I have worked with do support text (very well, in fact).

Dear aarg

honestly i am using u8g and u8g2 libraries , i learned much there about the commands , i did much ....

but how to display characters without entering the full page i didnt found the way .

there is first page command ,,,, then last page .......

but how to activate between i dont know

help if you can please

but how to display characters without entering the full page i didnt found the way .

In u8g this is indeed not possible.
In u8g2 it is possible in "full buffer" mode (see examples for this). However this will require 3840 bytes of your RAM. The Arduino Mega 2560 has 8K RAM, so using the "full buffer" mode should be ok.


Would it be that difficult to tweak u8g2 to fetch the full page from the LCD (the partial cache that it currently uses) by reading it (when possible) when the application switches pages ?
Maybe it could be an option that the applications sets.
Yeah it would add some overhead but it could also create some benefits not not needing so much ram.

--- bill

Would it be that difficult to tweak u8g2 to fetch the full page from the LCD (the partial cache that it currently uses) by reading it (when possible) when the application switches pages ?

--- bill

Hi Bill

Maybe adding support for T6963 would be more an option for openGLCD.
The complete architecture for u8g2 is based on a write only access. It would mean a complete change/extension of the u8g2 software architecture. Moreover it would add code, which is not required for other displays.
