I recently hooked up my graphic LCD on my Arduino, but I can't get it to work.. Only the backlight shows up, and nothing else.
I don't know if it is a code issue, or hardware issue.
Can someone look below and see if I made a mistake in the hardware?
LCD: Graphic 128*64 LCD
LCD controller/driver: KS0107/KS0108
My current pinout between LCD and Arduino Diecimilla
GLCD - Arduino Diecimilla
1 - Analog 0
2 - Analog 1
3 - GND
4 - 5V
5 - ? (Tried on 3.3V and 9V)
6 - Analog 3
7 - Analog 2
8 - Analog 4
9 - Digital 8
10 - Digital 9
11 - Digital 10
12 - Digital 11
13 - Digital 4
14 - Digital 5
15 - Digital 6
16 - Digital 7
17 - RESET
18 - GND
19 - 5V
20 - GND
Pinout of the Arduino PINs from the Arduino GLCD page:
Description on the Arduino GLCD page
5V - 5+ volts
external - Contrast in
8 - D0
9 - D1
10 - D2
11 - D3
4 - D4
5 - D5
6 - D6
7 - D7
A0 - CSEL1
A1 - CSEL2
A2 - R_W
A3 - D_I
A4 - EN
external - Contrast out
external - Backlight +5
GND - Backlight Gnd
Pinout from the manual of my LCD display:
LCD Manual PIN description
1 - /CSA - Chip select for IC1, Active LOW
2 - /CSB - Chip select for IC2, Active LOW
3 - Vss - Ground (0V)
4 - Vdd - +5V
5 - Vo - Power Supply For LCD Drive
6 - D/I - L > Instructions H > Data
7 - R/W - H > Data Read (LCD > MPU)
L > Data Write (LCD < MPU)
8 - E - Enable Signal
9 - DB0
10 - DB1
11 - DB2
12 - DB3
13 - DB4
14 - DB5
15 - DB6
16 - DB7
17 - /RST - Reset, Active LOW
18 - Vee - Negative Voltage output
19 - LEDA - LED Anode. Power Supply +
20 - LEDK - LED Cathode. Power Supply -