Good Display ESP32 Board + GxEPD2

Hello, I need a little help with this project..

I'm trying to run hello world example from GxEPD2 library, but it doesn't work

Board: ESP32-L(T01) with GxEPD2_270_GDEY027T91 display
Using esptool programmer

Basic demo from Good Display works correctly showing various images

I've uncommented the correct line for my display, the board is configured according they're directions "Wemos Lolin32":

after a reset I get:

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee


mode:DIO, clock div:1




ho 8 tail 4 room 4


entry 0x40080590

[ 12][E][esp32-hal-gpio.c:166] __digitalWrite(): IO 5 is not set as GPIO.

[ 19][E][esp32-hal-gpio.c:166] __digitalWrite(): IO 16 is not set as GPIO.

[ 48][E][esp32-hal-gpio.c:166] __digitalWrite(): IO 17 is not set as GPIO.

Busy Timeout!

_Update_Full : 10001101

Busy Timeout!

_Update_Full : 10000036

Ln 19, Col 1


on /dev/ttyUSB0


Quick update, I solved it by correctly selecting the platform init sequence for my board in file display selection new style.h

What do you mean by this? The constructor with the correct pin parameters?

Then mark your post as solution, to make known that your issue is solved.