hey guys i am going downtown to buy temp sensor, can anyone suggest me a good one with high sensitivity. used lm35 but not satisfied with its sensitivity. cost can be a little high than lm35 but not sky high as i am just a student. so suggest something taking into consideration the cost.
What accuracy do you need? Over what range?
range -55 to 150 c
accuracy better than lm35 but depending on cost
I see that that temperature range is that of the LM35. Is that actually what you need? I ask because the old favorite temp sensor, the DS18B20 comes close.
yes that is what i need. even if it is less on the maximum side that is it is 110c or 120c it will do but not lower than 110 c
Why do you have two separate Threads (link) about virtually the same problem.
Reading the other Thread it sounds like your problem is the speed of reaction. If that is the case you probably need a thermocouple and a suitable amplifier.
@zacmackra:Hi, that’s true the DS18B20U is the only replacement of the LM35 as it accuracy is +0.1C better than the LM35 +0.2C but the other point is that the programming of DS18B20U is bit difficult than the LM35.