Hello. I was thinking of building a cord for my Hero camera for an external microphone, and I was wondering if anyone has done something similar, and what connector they used. I found one on Sparkfun, but I'm not sure it will work. Has anyone used it? iPod Connector Male Style 1 - DEV-00633 - SparkFun Electronics
Here is the link to pinouts of many devices. http://pinouts.ru/
Use at your own risk but, maybe this is the audio in part:
5 Right In Line In - R (+)
6 Left In Line In - L (+)
doesnt the heroe have a mic jack on the side? i know the hero 2 does,
if it does just do an ebay search for gopro mic and i almost garentee a chinease company makes one for under a fiver
I used the SD_Q
You can also get them from here: