Got strange text and boxes on my Oled screen, u8glib

I am trying to print data from my 3 temperatur sensors (ds18b) to my Oled screen but get strange output on my screen. Look at my picture attached to this post.

At the end of the line i got 2 boxes and in them there are CR and LF printed loks like this [CR] [LF].

I have googled around trying different things but noting work.
I am using an SSD1306 128X64 ic2 oled screen and the U8GLIB library

  u8g.setPrintPos(0, 10);
  u8g.print("Inne:  ");
  u8g.setPrintPos(0, 30);
  u8g.print("Balle: ");
  u8g.setPrintPos(0, 50);
  u8g.print("Ute:   ");


Println is print with CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed) tacked on. Don't use println to print to your screen. Just use print. You are setting the print position with setPrintPos.

Haha thx that was easy :slight_smile: groundfungus!
Have a nice day :slight_smile: