I need to use esp8266 for turn on 24 led but not have 24 pin to use, do exist a mode for increment gpio usable
I don't want use 5 esp8266 and send mqqt message ore connect together
My question is if is possible use only one esp for turn one 24 led
Sorry for the precisation but I m a precise nerd
Thanks to all
One solution would be to use a shift register, such as the 74HC595. You'll need three. And if you don't have that many pins to control all three of those, you can get dedicated port expanders such as MCP23008, MCP23S17, and MCP23017.
TPIC6C595 could be a better choice, expecially if the LEDs need more than 7-8mA each.
Three pins for either '595 choice - latch, data, clock, connect all 3 in series.
Send 3 bytes out when an update is needed.
Alternate choice, a string of WS2812B, RGB LEDs. One IO pin needed, all connect in series. Use Neopixel library, or fastled.h library.