GPS Collar for my dog

Hello dear Arduino community,

i wanted to Know if it would be possible to have an Arduino send GPS data to my Phone.

The idea was that I would like to build a GPS collar for my dog.

I already have a Arduino mega and one GPS module.

I have seen some tutorials that showed that the Arduino can be powered by a battery.

I do not know if the Arduino needs to be constantly connected to a laptop or computer to have the data sent. So can the Arduino function without it an can send the data to a particular address?

I have some knowledge about programming with android.

I just lack of some knowledge about GPS and Arduino.

I would really appreciate your help.

Thank you.

Kind regards.

With some years experience of Arduino,GPS and GSM etc you probably could build your own tracker.

Or just look on eBay, lots of low cost ready built devices.

Okay thank you.

I don't want to buy one I want to build my own even if I still need to learn a few things :see_no_evil:

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Lots of people have. Google "arduino gps pet collar" to learn their stories.

You need dogged determination, though.


Cat person, myself.

Ok, so get an Arduino and a GPS and start learning.

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and get communication devices that handles the distance You have in mind, distance from transmitter to receiver.

Alright thanks for the advise :v:

Might give an Update once I'm done or have some more questions :smiley:

Don't worry. None of us is holding their breath. :cold_sweat:

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Glad to know🙏

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