Guides are a bit sketchy (sorry for the bad pun) but do I need to do any pin redirects or change jumpers to get the mega to act line a UNO?
Does anyone have experience with this shield?
Also can I plug in say 9v into the Mega 2560 R3 power jack along with USB to send terminal commands? Will the voltage logic handle this? The shield likes a bit of power by the sounds of it?
// # Description:
// # The sketch for driving the gsm mode via the Arduino board
// # Steps:
// # 1. Turn the S1 switch to the Prog(right side)
// # 2. Turn the S2 switch to the Arduino side(left side)
// # 3. Set the UART select switch to middle one.
// # 4. Upload the sketch to the Arduino board
// # 5. Turn the S1 switch to the comm(left side)
// # 6. Plug the jumper caps back to GSM side
// # 7. RST the board
// byte gsmDriverPin[3] = {3,4,5};//The default digital driver pins for the GSM and GPS mode
byte gsmDriverPin[3] = {11,12,13};//The default digital driver pins for the GSM and GPS mode
//If you want to change the digital driver pins
//or you have a conflict with D3~D5 on Arduino board,
//you can remove the J10~J12 jumpers to reconnect other driver pins for the module!
void setup()
//Init the driver pins for GSM function
for(int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++){
//digitalWrite(5,HIGH);//Output GSM Timing Invalid pin for Mega Arduino*
digitalWrite(13,HIGH);//Output GSM Timing REDIRECTED MEGA PIN*
//digitalWrite(5,LOW); Invalid pin for Mega Arduino*
digitalWrite(13,LOW); //REDIRECTED MEGA PIN*
//digitalWrite(3,LOW);//Enable the GSM mode Invalid pin for Mega Arduino*
digitalWrite(11,LOW);//Enable the GSM mode REDIRECTED MEGA PIN*
//digitalWrite(4,HIGH);//Disable the GPS mode Invalid pin for Mega Arduino*
digitalWrite(12,HIGH);//Disable the GPS mode REDIRECTED MEGA PIN*
Serial.begin(9600); //set the baud rate*
delay(2000);//call ready*
delay(2000);* }
void loop()
*{ *
Serial.println("AT"); //Send AT command *
Serial.println("AT"); *
//Send message*
//Serial.println("AT+CMGS="15800449871"");//Change the receiver phone number* Serial.println("AT+CMGS="0419276168"");//Change the receiver phone number
Serial.print("HELLO");//the message you want to send*
while(1);* } ----------------------------------------- Now for GPS code via redirect pins?