Hy everybody! I've a Trimble Lassen iQ GPSmodule and i wanted to know if it is really suitable to use on the Adafruit GPS Shield.
My doubt is about the wire to connect the module on the shield because on the module I've 2 rows of pin with 4 pin on each row (total is 8 pins) (samtec ASP-69533-01) ; they are very little and it's impossible to connect to Arduino board without a connection wire that i've not understood which is ad where i can find it.
Have you any experience with the shield and the Lassen iQ GPS module?
I've got the shield sitting NEXT to a 2650 Mega- it's not really particularly compatible, as the Mega can do hardware serial and the shield
wants to do software serial. I had no luck with the software serial, but it works fine with the hardware ports...
...so effectively, I'm using it to do level- shifting for exactly one pin, and the connector for the GlobalSat module I'm using.
The board DOES have pads for a Trimble connector, but no socket for it.
Personally, I've come to the conclusion that unless you know what a shield does, pin- by- pin, it's usually
not very effective to use smaller Arduino shields on the Mega.