I have a USGlobalStat EM-402 GPS. It uses the SiRFStarII chipset (http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=576). It's spewing out so much data that it's overwhelming my arduino's software serial port. I'm trying to throttle back the amount of data that it's sending using the $PSRF1xx commands from the NMEA protocol.
But... it's ignoring me. I've tried putting it into debug mode, but it ignores that too. I have the GPS connected to the USB to serial converter used to program a lillypad. I can see the NMEA sentences fine. What am I doing wrong?!?!?
Here are the commands I'm trying to send:
And here's the command to turn debug on that I'm trying:
Any help at all would be appreciated!