Hello guys!
I have a problem with one of those uBlox GPS modules (neo-6mv2).
I'm constantly receiving the following lines via the serial port from the Arduino:
$GPTXT,01,01,00,trk tick 89477 -48000 dt -103*3C
$GPTXT,01,01,00,no meas*74
$GPTXT,01,01,00,trk tick 89477 -48000 dt -103*3C
$GPTXT,01,01,00,no meas*74
$GPTXT,01,01,00,trk tick 89477 -48000 dt -103*3C
$GPTXT,01,01,00,no meas*74
$GPTXT,01,01,00,trk tick 89477 -48000 dt -103*3C
$GPTXT,01,01,00,no meas*74
$GPTXT,01,01,00,trk tick 89477 -48000 dt -103*3C
$GPTXT,01,01,00,no meas*74
When the line begins with $GPTXT, a message will follow (which obviously happens), but the thing is, I don't know what the message means. I checked the uBlox website and searched with google like a maniac, but it seems like nobody ever had that problem ... well, that would be a premiere
For those who may ask about the wiring:
Arduino 3V3 ------------- Ublox Vcc
Arduino GND -----o------ Ublox GND
Arduino TX --[1K]--o---- Ublox RX
Arduino RX -------------- Ublox TX
Arduino RX & TX are software serial pins (RX=D4, TX=D3)
If anybody knows what to do, please help me, for I have really no idea why the gps module tries to tell me.