I have got my GPS to work on a LCD display but I am struggling to get it to work on a TFT display using UTFT libary
Has anyone got a sketch that would do this
I have got my GPS to work on a LCD display but I am struggling to get it to work on a TFT display using UTFT libary
Has anyone got a sketch that would do this
Forget the GPS data for now. Can you get anything on the TFT ?
hi there
thanks for you reply
Yes can get text on screen using myGLCD.print but can not get it to disply GPS data
I am using TINYGPS++ , Adafruit ultimate breakout module, arduino mega board and
3.2 TFT display.
I have only been playing with arduino for a few months and manged to understand the basics
but this has been a struggle
The TINYGPS++ library probably comes with examples. If so they probably output to Serial. Are there examples and have you tried them ?
Yes Tiny GPS examples work fine on serial print its only myGLCD.print command (UTFT) that throws up errors.
I had the sketch working fine on 4 line LCD display.
What code ?
What errors ?