Greenhouse/high tunnel automation

i have several 30 x 50 foot (unheated) high tunnels and one greenhouse for our organic veg production that i am interested in automating the ventilation. each tunnel and greenhouse would utilize 2- 24v electric actuators for opening panels and 2 -24v reduction motors(60 watt) to roll up sidewall curtains. i would also like to incorporate an anemometer to shut down vents as storms come up. so the inputs would be temp and wind and outputs 2 motors and 2 actuators.(would need ability to adjust and manual override. 120v is supplied at each tunnel. remote access through GSM would also be desirable. Being new to arduino and not having experience developing sketches i was interested if there was some advice as to available resources that could help me accomplish this task or existing code that I could get access too. any help/direction would be appreciated. I have a aduino uno kit that i have been working with to gain some experience but obviously a long ways from where i need to be to get this done. look forward to any advice/direction

Advice is cheap, so here goes. First start by making sure you understand and can write a sketch to do each function individually. When each one works as you want, then write your final masterpiece incorporating the functions you know work, from each individual sketch.

May I suggest you begin with either an anemometer or your temperature sensing sketch.


What is a "high tunnel" and what is its third dimension?

a high tunnel is like a greenhouse except using plastic film in lieu of glass. its third dimension is 16 image of one is at link below:

thanks for the advice and it is something I have been working on. have been uploading sketches and doing some modifying to accomplish different activities. i was curious if there might be sketches solving problems similar to mine that I could start with and where i might go look for them.

i will keep at it.


I learned a lot at Arduino Tutorials | when i first started. He's not active, but his tutorials still exist and are relevant.

. have been uploading sketches and doing some modifying to accomplish different activities. i was curious if there might be sketches solving problems similar to mine that I could start with and where i might go look for them.

i will keep at it.


Agree with Pauls eariler comments about doing things in a modular way, starting with the easier things.

You can always post your code to see if anyone can suggest improvements

Bit surprised you have not mentioned watering ? though easy enough to incorporate in your software; a DS3231 RTC module helps there.

GSM, you need to establish what band you can operate on 2g or 3g as several countries are ditching 2g and that means buying a more expensive 3g board, though that should be the last on your list.

What I think may be your hardest area will be interfacing with the 4 motors.
Would be interesting to see details of them ac or dc and their current etc.
Also what about the fully open and fully closed functions, are they already controlled within those motor units or will you have to have limit switches feeding back to the ardunio ?

thanks for the link. Additional info on motors:

2- motors - 24 v (60 watt) dc with limit switches both directions (manual presets) -
2-actuators also 24 v DC (20 watt) with limit switches at end of stroke which is fine for application

water although critical in growing is better controlled by zone with timers based on variety of crops in tunnel.

appreciate the comments