I've attached a 16-step sequencer to the original auduino.
There's a video, Fritzing breadboard schematic and download link to the arduino sketch at the link:
I hope you find it useful
I've attached a 16-step sequencer to the original auduino.
There's a video, Fritzing breadboard schematic and download link to the arduino sketch at the link:
I hope you find it useful
Great project, really like the enclosure, video, presentation and the name !
Would you mind if I added the project to the list of Auduino related projects I have collated here -
You should also consider adding the fix outlined below to your sketch, without this fix, your project will not work when compiled in some versions of the IDE -
uint16_t syncPhaseAcc;
volatile uint16_t syncPhaseInc;
uint16_t grainPhaseAcc;
volatile uint16_t grainPhaseInc;
uint16_t grainAmp;
volatile uint8_t grainDecay;
uint16_t grain2PhaseAcc;
volatile uint16_t grain2PhaseInc;
uint16_t grain2Amp;
volatile uint8_t grain2Decay;
A detailed explanation for adding the volatile keyword to the shared variables can be found in this seemingly unrelated post which references the Auduino issue as part of the explanation -
Duane B
Hi great project very cool!
I'm tring understand how does it work the midi out?
are you sending midi cc from the pots, or "just" the note out from the step sequencer???
@DuaneB Thanks so much! Please do, I'd be honored to have this project added to the list. I'll definitely update the code with the volatile fix, thanks for the heads-up. Actually I must thank you for the output circuit - I played with your Illutron B project just before I started this one, so I still had your output circuit on the breadboard when I started this one. I've kept it for the final design.
@Giò LFZ I'm only sending note values (fixed velocity) and duration via MIDI - no cc's, though that's a good idea for Groovesizer V2 ;^)
cool man i'm testin varous code for sending midi cc from pots via a midi port... if I can find a solution i will you send you the code.. maybe together we can figure out... there's not so much documentation about sending midi ccs via arduino..
As i said before, thank you for sharing this project. it is great that people create so cool projects and share them with everyone. =)
I have built your Groovesizer on breadboard, but i am having a problem with the pots.
I am using 4.7Kohm Pots connected as on your breadboard diagram.
When i turn them the whole way clock-wise something strange happens.
When i turn Pot 4 the whole Arduino shuts down. No more Sound, no more LEDs, not even the Arduino Power LED stays on. When i turn Pot 4 back a little bit anti clock-wise it starts working again (but reseted).
Pot 3 all the way up make really strange noises.
Any ideas on what is wrong?
I don't really know how to explain this better, but i have made a little video showing it.
You can watch it here: https://vimeo.com/67806169
Also sometimes the pitch changing function doesn't really work. Can't that be from the flimsy breadboard connections? Sometimes it they work, sometimes not so well, or it takes a couple of tries.
= = =
Ever thought about adding a LDC Display to this project?
You code gives it many cool functions and with an LCD it would be easier to keep track of what you are doing and what you can access when you press button x or y (and maybe even what values are in each step).
I guess we would need to put the LEDs into some kind of multiplexer to free some pins on the Arduino, but maybe that would be a nice "evolution" for a newer version of the Groovesizer.
i would be more than happy to give it a go, but i am a completely noob, so i can't promisse that anything will work! If anything, i will just manage to break what i've built so far!
Well, as long as i'll have some fun along the way...
= = =
You have almost certainly wired the Pots incorrectly, can you post a diagram of what you think you have done and a picture of how you have done it.
Duane B
I've posted some videos of the evolution of this project to http://groovesizer.com.
I hope to offer kits for sale in September.
Kits and enclosures are once again available at STORE | Groovesizer
I've just released a new kit called Groovesizer RED (RED | Groovesizer) which is a lot closer to the original instrument described in this thread. The most notable differences are that the RED also has a MIDI input port in addition to the output so it can send and receive MIDI sync, and that there are now 16 LEDs, one for each step, as opposed to the original's 8. I've also implemented a host of new features, including a Live Mode, and note entry quantized to one of 12 preset or 4 user defined scales.
Is the effect from 0:50 in this video the grain decay, if so, its a pretty good filter alternative ?
Duane B
Hey Duane,
Sorry, missed your reply before. That's right - it's the Auduino's grain decay. It sounds a lot like filter cutoff to me.