Ground Wiring Doubt

My wiring question is: Do I also have to bring the GND??? (on the figure attached) to an Arduino GND. My doubts comes from the fact I am using the same power source for both Arduino Board and MOSFET.
It is a board project, I am affraid the current doesnt reach the MOSFET gate if I donf wire to the bopard ground also.

Whereever a signal wire goes, a ground wire should go with it. Always.

And that is it in a nutshell. :grinning: Nothing more to say.

My point is: Is the common ground, the one you have mentioned? Or nor?

Try to keep signal flow from left to right, power up, and ground down,
So we don't have to do hand-stands and use mirrors to follow your diagram.

It seems you're trying to switch power supply ground with a mosfet to power the Arduino on/off. Correct?
If so, that won't work.

Thats correct Leo. Tks

A (latching) power switch is usually made with a PNP transistor or P-channel fet in the + line (not ground).
With a second small-signal NPN transistor switching the base/gate to ground.
This is the basic principle. There are many variations to be found on the internet.