Group buy from to Europe

Hi everybody,

In the first weeks of January I plan to submit an order to They sells great chips like the ITG-3200 (3 axis gyro) and IMU-3000 (3 axis gyro + 3 axis accelerometer interface).

For a full list and details see:

Unfortunately, the shipping to Europe is pretty expensive (50$) so in the past I shared it with other people which needed stuff from invensense and it worked pretty good.It works like this: I order the stuff, once I get them I'll send it to you using regular mail.

Also note that a 20% VAT fee will be applied to the total (that's the price to import stuff from US to Europe) which will also be shared between who participate in the group buy..

So, If you are interested in buying something from them please leave a comment below or get in touch with me: fvaresano at yahoo dot it.


Fabio Varesano