Grove wifi 8266

Is grove wifi 8266 compatible with arduino? if it is how would i go about using it?

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Grove WiFi 8266 - IoT for micro:bit, Pico & More | The Pi Hut

I Just want to make a servo that is controlled with BLYNK

as they say, the board is based on Ai-Thinker's ESP-12F module and comes preloaded with the new Espressif ESP-AT firmware v2.2.0.

so you would have to interface to it with Serial and use a library providing WiFi services through AT commands

For example the library suggested by @Juraj

Ok, Basically i have the wifi module and a LCD And i want it so you use the blynk app to write on the LCD using arduino.

Do you have an Arduino like a UNO with the LCD on top of the module or you want to use this module to drive directly the LCD and connect to WiFi?

For the latter case it would mean replacing the AT firmware with an OS version. Might need to find or create the board definition for that

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