GSM Calling number format

Im trying to figure out if the number format Im using is causing the sketch to just hang after I make the Call call:

char number[]="+50494502578";

Im in Honduras whose country code is indeed 504. But whenever I run the sketch:

//#include <GSM.h>
#include "SIM900.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> 
#include "call.h"

CallGSM call;
char number[]="+50494502578";
int value=0;
int value_old;
int pin=9;
void setup(){
 if (gsm.begin(2400))
 else Serial.println("\nstatus=IDLE");
void loop(){
   if(call.CallStatus()!= CALL_ACTIVE_VOICE){
     // IF NOT ACTIVE CALL................................>>>>>>>>>>

It stays there after printing Call in the Serial Monitor, but the phone doesn't ring.

The module works, I believe. I have successfully sent SMS messages from it to that same phone number from that same sim number.

Try replacing the + with 00, so

char number[]="0050494502578";

Ok well it turns out it does work, both ways. For some reason it just takes 2 minutes for it to work from the moment "Call" gets logged in the serial monitor, till the moment the phone actually rings!

I found out because I left it sitting there and a while later it rang. Then I changed the code back to +504 and it also worked.
