GSM data ---> PC application question

I'm considering starting a project where I need to read chunks of serial data from a GSM module and then pass a file (or files) of this data into a Windows PC environment. Not having used any Arduino development boards before, I'm sure this must have been done before and if anyone has any feedback about the quickest way to achieve this, I'd appreciate it.

Can you not just connect the GSM module to the PC, via a USB->Serial cable?

.... I need to read chunks of serial data from a GSM module and then pass a file (or files) of this data into a Windows PC environment.

Most (if not all) GSM modules use the AT and extended AT command set to return data.
As sirch wrote, why do you need the Arduino?
You can just use a USB to RS232 converter/adaptor which will create a vitual com port on the PC and you can send the AT commands to the GSM module directly from the PC and get the required data.

Depending on the GSM module, you may need a MAX232 interface chip between it and the PC.
There are however plenty of GSM modules that accept RS232 directly.

Thanks guys ..... was having a blonde moment thinking of a network connected GSM module !!