I just got my Siemens emem ES75 GSM (GPRS, EDGE, ...) Modem.
First, I wanted to try it on my PC, wich works fine with the Windows Modem Wizzard .. It connected to the internet ..
After this, I wanted to controll it by myself using the AT-Syntax but every command, which starts with "AT+..." like "AT+GMI" (Requests the Manufacturer Identification) fails with a "ERROR" response .. Why?
Windows (and a ActiveX toolkit named "SMS and MMS toolkit" from ActiveXperts) is using the same Syntax .. (I sniffed it!)
Commands starting with "AT&.." are working well .. (like "AT&V").
Now it is connected to my PC (while it works perfectly) via USB. It simulates a Serial Port (COM4).
I connected to it with Putty.
A few days before it works since I disconnected it from power.
As it worked, I've sent the AT&V command to show the settings: