i am building a GPS+GSM based advanced vehicle tracking system the problem is i don't know how to buid an arduino code now i need assistance on that if you can be able to assist me with the code feel free to email me the code to akhona.kaizer@gmail.com
@KAIZER340, please don't hijack another person's Thread. I am suggesting to the Moderator to move your question to its own Thread.
It is a very bad idea to post your email address on any public Forum as spammers can harvest it. I suggest you edit your Post and remove it. People on this Forum won't be sending you emails, you will get your responses here.
If you just want someone to write a program for you please ask in the Gigs and Collaborations section of the Forum and be prepared to pay.
If you want to learn to program yourself the examples that come with the Arduino IDE are a good place to start. There are also many online tutorials. Also see the Useful Links Thread.