GSM Shield issues


I've recently got a GSM playground shield from HW kitchen and have been trying to get to know it but have encountered a few problems. I've succesfully run their test sketches to send an SMS and run AT commands. So far so good. Then I started writing my own sketches. My first bit of code simply ran through a number of AT comands to fetch basic information from the GSM module such as IMEI, make, model and serial number. I then tried to call the function to check that the shield is registered to a phone network before sending an SMS that contains the information just pulled from the module. The offending lines are highlighted in the sketch.

#include "GSM.h"  

  #error "!!! It is necessary to enable DEBUG_PRINT macro in the GSM.h !!!"
int n=0;
char atCmd[12];  
char* atMean; 
String x;
int sigStrenth;
char disp[180]; //characters to be displayed
char disp2[180]; //characters to be displayed
int freeMem=0;  //available memory
char sms_num[]="0123456789";
int z=0;
long loop_count=0;
byte ret_val2=0;

// definition of instance of GSM class
GSM gsm;

const char* IMEI = "IMEI";
const char* MODEL = "Model";
const char* MAKER = "Maker";
const char* VER = "Version";
const char* STRENGTH = "Sig strength";
const char* REG = "Registered?";
const char* DATE = "Date";
const char* NETOP = "Network";
const char* SERNUM = "Serial Num.";

// sms return variable
char ret_val;

char strOut3[50];   //this will be a trimmed down version of the modem output, so it can be a lot smaller

void setup()
  // initialization of serial line
  gsm.DebugPrint("Starting TestSMS2.pde A\r\n",0);
  // print library version
  sprintf(disp,"Debug Library version <%4d>",gsm.LibVer());

  //Even before 'Turning On' the module send a reset command. Hopefully this may force it to start behaving itself.
  gsm.SendATCmdWaitResp("ATZ", 2000, 200, "OK", 5);
  // turn on GSM module
  // set direction for GPIO pins


void loop()

  //select a different AT command each time we process the loop
  switch (n) 
  case 0:
    atMean = (char*)IMEI;
  case 1:
    atMean = (char*)MODEL;
  case 2:
    atMean = (char*)MAKER;
  case 3:
    atMean = (char*)VER;
  case 4:
    atMean = (char*)STRENGTH;
  case 5:
    atMean = (char*)REG;
  case 6:
    atMean = (char*)NETOP;
  case 7:
    atMean = (char*)SERNUM;
  case 8:
    atMean = (char*)DATE;
  //run the AT command against the modem, each time the loop runs a different AT command will be chosen.
  ret_val = gsm.SendATCmdWaitResp(atCmd, 1000, 100, "", 1);
  // now we are waiting for response from the GSM module
  // ---------------------------------------------------
  if (ret_val != AT_RESP_ERR_NO_RESP) {
    //Parse the output buffer BEFORE doing any DebugPrint - remember a DebugPrint will alter the output buffer
    // ----------------------------------------------------------
    if (strcmp("Sig strength",atMean)==0)
      //if we're checking for signal strength, then need to some further parsing
      sprintf(disp,"Request for <%s>, using <%s>, returned value <%d>. ",atMean, atCmd, sigStrenth);
      //result is an array of char, so need to format the output differently
      sprintf(disp,"Request for <%s>, using <%s>, returned value <%s>. ",atMean, atCmd, strOut3);
    //Display the results of whatever the previous AT comand was.

//    ret_val2=gsm.CheckRegistration();
//    sprintf(disp2,"After checking reg, result is <%i> (1 means registered). ",ret_val2);
//    gsm.DebugPrint(disp2,1);

//     //The 1st time round the loop the results of the first command will be SMSed, the
//     //2nd time round the second command will be sent and so on.
//     if ((n==0 && z==0) || (n==1 && z==1) || (n==2 && z==2) || (n==3 && z==3))
//     {
//       gsm.SendATCmdWaitResp("AT+CMGF=1", 500, 20, "OK", 5);  //set modem to text mode
//       gsm.DebugPrint("About to send SMS\r\n",1);
//       ret_val=gsm.SendSMS(sms_num, disp);
//       sprintf(disp,"After sending SMS, result is <%i>. (1 means sent ok) ",ret_val);
//       gsm.DebugPrint(disp,1);
//       z++;
//     }
  else {
    // this should not happen 
    gsm.DebugPrint("We have received nothing, something is wrong...", 1);

  //pause and then try another command

void parseOutput3()
  strOut3[0]=0;  //empty the array
   //strip out any non-printing characters from the command buffer. Keep anything that is printable
   int i=0;
   int y=0;
   while (gsm.comm_buf[i] != 0)  //check all characters until the end
     if ((gsm.comm_buf[i] >= 32) && (gsm.comm_buf[i] <= 126))
        strOut3[y] = char(gsm.comm_buf[i]);
   //if the last characters are "OK", then remove them
   if ( char(strOut3[y-2])=='O' && char(strOut3[y-1])=='K' )
     strOut3[y] =0;  //stick a null terminator on the end

int stripSigStrenth()
  //Given the modem buffer after requesting the signal strength, try to parse
  //it out of the array. The results normaly look like this... "+CSQ: 13,7"
  //need to extract the integer between the colon and the space.
  char from=':';
  char to=',';
  char strength[3+1];
  bool found1=false;
  bool found2=false;
  int y=0; 
  int i=0;
  int sigStren=0;
   while (strOut3[i] != 0)  //check all characters until the end
     //look for the end character
     if (char(strOut3[i]) == to)

     //any character between the start and end is one we're interested in.
     if ((found1==true) && (found2==false))
       //Check that the ascii value of this character is between 48 and 57 - i.e. between numerals 0 and 9 
       if ((strOut3[i] >='0') && (strOut3[i] <='9') )
        strength[y] = strOut3[i];

     if (y >=49)
       gsm.DebugPrint("Overflow...", 1);
     //look for the start character
     if (char(strOut3[i]) == from)
     strength[y] = '\0';  //terminate with a null character
   sigStren=atoi(strength);  //Convert strength to an integer
   strength[0]='\0';  //release the memory
   return sigStren;


int availableMemory() 
  int size = 1024; // Use 2048 with ATmega328
  //int size = 2048;
  byte *buf;

  while ((buf = (byte *) malloc(--size)) == NULL)


  return size;

The offending function call (gsm.CheckRegistration) works fine in the other sketches, but when I enable it in this one the sketch still compiles and loads without problems but won't run (it doesn't just crash when it get's there - the whole sketch hangs on the first line)

I'm using an arduino duemilanove with version 21 software and a GSM playground (hardware version 1.6) with the latest version of their libraries. (I have tried to contact them, but no response so far). The shield will send a SMS when using the example sketches, so I'm assuming it's working ok. My sketch is getting sensible results from the AT commands it invokes so I must be talking to it OK. One of the AT commands I'm sending gets the signal strength, and another gets the network registration, so I know I'm connected with an adeqaute signal.

Any help appreciated.

