GSM shield sim900 with Arduino UNO problem

Hello everybody.

I am quite new to using the sim900 GSM shield with UNO.

I am following the tutorial and it doesnt want to connect to my network : "Initializing ...". Any ideas what I could check please? I tried following the tutorial step by step.

Here is mine:

Thank you very much ! :slight_smile:

A couple of things… SIM900 is a 2G device, is your network and SIM still supporting 2G devices?

Do the LEDs on the modem sho your network status?
The modem connects to the cell regardless of the tx/rx connections.

Finally, post your code (in code tags), and we can look at that.

Your topic has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum. Introductory Tutorials is for tutorials that people write; feel free to write one once you have mastered your problem :wink:

not sure what pins on the SIM900 you connected the arduino too
I use the SIM900 UART pins as in sim900-gsm-gprs-shield-arduino
e.g. lower right hand corner in the photo

Thank you very much. I really appreciate the help :slight_smile:

I fixed it. The antenna wasnt attached :smiley:

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