Gsm sim900A not sending sms but showing symbols

The gsm has connected to the network. But yet sms are not sending. Serial monitor is showing some symbols like '@'.
Code :

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial SIM900A(2,3);

void setup()
  SIM900A.begin(9600);   // GSM Module Baud rate - communication speed 
  Serial.begin(9600);    // Baud rate of Serial Monitor in the IDE app
  Serial.println ("Text Messege Module Ready & Verified");
  Serial.println ("Type s to send message or r to receive message");

void loop()
  if (Serial.available()>0)
    case 's':
    case 'r':

 if (SIM900A.available()>0)

 void SendMessage()
  Serial.println ("Sending Message please wait....");
  SIM900A.println("AT+CMGF=1");    //Text Mode initialisation 
  Serial.println ("Set SMS Number");
  SIM900A.println("AT+CMGS=\"01884810265\"\r"); // Receiver's Mobile Number
  Serial.println ("Set SMS Content");
  SIM900A.println("gsm test");// Messsage content
  Serial.println ("Done");
  SIM900A.println((char)26);//   delay(1000);
  Serial.println ("Message sent succesfully");

 void RecieveMessage()
  Serial.println ("Receiving Messeges");
  delay (1000);
  SIM900A.println("AT+CNMI=2,2,0,0,0"); // Eeceiving Mode Enabled
  Serial.write ("Messege Received Sucessfully");

Photo given below

I also tried to send sms by manual AT commands like 'AT+CMGS+' but sms not send rather serial monitor showing 'square blocks' &symbols.

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Please go back and fix your original post.

1 Like

This post has the solution of my problem.I'm linking it below -

In the baudrate fixing code i had to make some adjustment to fix the baudrate of gsm 900A mini. If the above code doesn’t fix baud rate then try to change the code like this, which is given below,

//Begin serial communication with Arduino and SIM900A
//Begin serial communication with Arduino and Arduino IDE (Serial Monitor)

In any case, using 115200 baudrate with SoftwareSerial is not a good idea. The maximum baud of SoftwareSerial is a 38400

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