I have a gsm sim 900 a not a shield with ultrasonic sensor I wrote some codes but did not work with me if any body can send me a code for that it will be helpful and nice
I want a code that the sensor sense from a curtain distance and the gsm send a massage to a number and sound form buzzer when the object in front of the sensor.
Hi johansmodi,
This is a pretty ambitious project to try all at once.
I suggest you break the project into multiple sub-projects then combine them together once they are working:
Write simple sketches to:
- read the sensor and print the values to make sure it works.
- Write sketch to send data to your GSM link
- Write sketch to read the received data from the receiving GSM
- write sketch to sound a buzzer when a specific code is received.
I'm not a GSM expert, so I can't help with scripts 2 and 3