Hi all
i have an issue where my board genuine GT2560 cant be found by arduino ide or arduino program it will except a small sketch like blink but not a 3D print sketch
i have downloaded all the drivers and that changed port location from 3 to port 5
but when i run find board info it says board not found upload a sketch to find
i have also tested this on a genuine arduino uno but get the same results
i have hit a dead end now and really dont know what to do so any help will be really appreciated
also i have tried several usb conections and ports and the board is being powered by the 3D printer and when uploading a sketch the yellow led is flashing
get board info only works with official boards that use a 16u2 or 8u2 or native USB. If the GT2560 (what is this? That is not the name of an official Arduino board - my guess is that it's a mega2560 "clone" with a different serial chip) uses a different chip for the serial adapter, (as well as when using official nano/pro mini) you will get nothing back for get board info, even when the board is 100% working. It is not a useful diagnostic tool.
You say you can upload some sketches to it successfully, but not others. File -> Preferences -> Show verbose output during, check "upload" (and uncheck "compile" if it's checked).
Attempt to upload a sketch that fails to upload, and post the output here.