Guidance needed on how to light up many lights on one column of max.

So in my project for bingo its going pretty good. I am one step closer to having it work. So when I hit a row button and a column button the arduino will turn on an led to the max7219. The only problem is that when i turn on more then one light in the same row the max shuts the previous led off and turns on the new one. How do I have it so that the max leaves the previous led on and turns on an extra led. So for example if I hit button B and column 1 it turns on light 1,1 on the max. If i then hit button B and column 2 then the light 1,1 turns off and the light 1,2 turns on. I want both lights to stay on. Thank You for Your Help!

Heres my code incase anybody is wondering:

                                                                                                     #define dataIn 2
#define load 3
#define clock 4

int maxInUse = 1;    //change this variable to set how many MAX7219's you'll use
int e = 0;           // just a varialble
                     // define max7219 registers
byte max7219_reg_noop        = 0x00;
byte max7219_reg_digit0      = 0x01;
byte max7219_reg_digit1      = 0x02;
byte max7219_reg_digit2      = 0x03;
byte max7219_reg_digit3      = 0x04;
byte max7219_reg_digit4      = 0x05;
byte max7219_reg_digit5      = 0x06;
byte max7219_reg_digit6      = 0x07;
byte max7219_reg_digit7      = 0x08;
byte max7219_reg_decodeMode  = 0x09;
byte max7219_reg_intensity   = 0x0a;
byte max7219_reg_scanLimit   = 0x0b;
byte max7219_reg_shutdown    = 0x0c;
byte max7219_reg_displayTest = 0x0f;

#define referenceVoltage A0
#define buttonRow A1
#define buttonColumn A2

#define ledB 2
#define ledC1 3

  int voltage = analogRead(referenceVoltage);
  int whichRow = analogRead(buttonRow);
  int columnState = 0;
  int rowState = 0;

void setup()
  pinMode(dataIn, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(clock,  OUTPUT);
  pinMode(load,   OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);  
//initiation of the max 7219
  maxSingle(max7219_reg_scanLimit, 0x07);      
  maxSingle(max7219_reg_decodeMode, 0x00);  // using an led matrix (not digits)
  maxSingle(max7219_reg_shutdown, 0x01);    // not in shutdown mode
  maxSingle(max7219_reg_displayTest, 0x00); // no display test
   for (e=1; e<=8; e++) {    // empty registers, turn all LEDs off
  maxSingle(max7219_reg_intensity, 0x0f & 0x0f);    // the first 0x0f is the value you can set
                                                  // range: 0x00 to 0x0f

void loop() {
  while(columnState == 0){


while(rowState == 0) {
 Serial.println("Done with both");
 while(rowState != 0 && columnState != 0){
 	rowState = 0;
 	columnState = 0;

void columnCheck() {
	int voltage = analogRead(referenceVoltage);
  int whichRow = analogRead(buttonRow);
	if (whichRow > .9*voltage) {
    columnState = 1;
  else {
    if (whichRow > .7*voltage) {
columnState = 2;
  else {
    if (whichRow > .5*voltage) {
    columnState = 3;
  else {
    if (whichRow > .3*voltage) {
    columnState = 4;
  else {
    if (whichRow > .1*voltage) {
    columnState = 5;
  else {
    Serial.println("nothin hit");

void rowcheck() {
	int voltage = analogRead(referenceVoltage);
  int whichColumn = analogRead(buttonColumn);
	if (whichColumn > .9*voltage) {
    rowState = 1;
  else {
    if (whichColumn > .7*voltage) {
rowState = 2;
  else {
    if (whichColumn > .5*voltage) {
    rowState = 4;
  else {
    if (whichColumn > .3*voltage) {
    rowState = 8;
  else {
    if (whichColumn > .1*voltage) {
    rowState = 16;
  else {
    Serial.println("nothin hit");

void putByte(byte data) {
  byte i = 8;
  byte mask;
  while(i > 0) {
    mask = 0x01 << (i - 1);      // get bitmask
    digitalWrite( clock, LOW);   // tick
    if (data & mask){            // choose bit
      digitalWrite(dataIn, HIGH);// send 1
      digitalWrite(dataIn, LOW); // send 0
    digitalWrite(clock, HIGH);   // tock
    --i;                         // move to lesser bit
void maxSingle( byte reg, byte col) {    
//maxSingle is the "easy"  function to use for a     //single max7219
  digitalWrite(load, LOW);       // begin    
  putByte(reg);                  // specify register
  putByte(col);//((data & 0x01) * 256) + data >> 1); // put data  
  digitalWrite(load, LOW);       // and load da shit

Someplace in there you control the data byte that gets sent to register 0,1,2,3,4 for the 5 columns. You need to manipulate that byte:

add in bit 0:
dataByte = dataByte | 0x01; // 0b00000001

add in bit 1:
dataByte = dataByte | 0x02; // 0b00000010

add in bit 2:
dataByte = dataByte | 0x04; // 0b00000100

add in bit 3:
dataByte = dataByte | 0x08; // 0b00001000

add in bit 4:
dataByte = dataByte | 0x10; // 0b00010000

clear whole:
dataByte = 0;

So Cross roads how would you suggest controlling the byte. Would I like have the byte turn on one led in the column and then when anohter led needs to be turned on that same column, I tell the byte to turn the second one as well as the first one?

Just keep ORing them in. Any bits that are already a 1 will stay a 1.

dataByte starts at 0.

add in bit 0:
dataByte = dataByte | 0x01; // 0b00000001
dataByte is now 0b00000001

add in bit 1:
dataByte = dataByte | 0x02; // 0b00000010
dataByte is now 0b00000011

add in bit 3:
dataByte = dataByte | 0x08; // 0b00001000
dataByte is now 0b00001011

add in bit 4:
dataByte = dataByte | 0x10; // 0b00010000
dataByte is now 0b00011011

So I kinda get this more now but where would my variables rowstate and columnstate go?

Where do they go?
Somehow they get changed to not = 0 to cue the code to go read the analog level.

No like I'm asking instead of doing maxsingle(columnstate,rowstate) what should I do cuz I have to keep track of the byte

?? There are 5 bytes, one for each column the MAX7219 controls.