Guidance to switch comms from BT to SIM Gsm modules


We have an agriculture device running nicely from late 2019.
Hardware is ATMega 328 handling comms and generating signals + a power PCB isolated by optocouplers driving devices.
The setup is done via a HC-05 BT, and software is very simple, using SerialSoftware Lib.

SoftwareSerial myBTooth (10, 11); // RX, TX and that's all.

I want now to drive via SIM to get rid of proximity need by BT.

Experimenting with SIM800L has been easy, and we can communicate and access HTTP via AT commands.

The question is if doing it via AT commands is the way to proceed, or work with one of the tons of libraries that already exist.

And, if I go via libraries, which are the criteria to select which one ?

I have seen specific libraries for SIM800L, Olivier Staquet, par example, and generic ones.

At this level, I feel lost !

Thanks for your guidance and advice,

Kind regards,

I can't really comment on the use of libraries to communicate with these types of modem devices, as I've always just done it myself without any real problems. As you've already figured out the commands are fairly easy to send to the device.

One thing you should consider is the use of the SIM800L however. My understanding is that this is a 2G device... in most parts of the world this technology is being phased out. If it were me I'd be looking at a 4G module to future proof your solution.

Great !

Thanks so much.

Yes I know 2G is phased out, we will carefully evaluate prices, and try to go 4G.

All the best!

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