Guitar Keytar like midi controller project (Arduino newbee)

I have an idea for a project with Arduino, and I'm looking for feedback. I'm wondering if I should use Arduino for this.

I'm looking to make a midi controller that works similar to a guitar. It would have a neck with 4 or more "strings" which are rows of buttons essentially or some kind of touch "neck". Instead of picking, the player would play a mid sized piano keyboard with about 24 keys, sounds strange I know.

I have made some protypes in MAX/MSP without Arduino, and VB.NET also to some degree of success using the computer keyboard. The computer keyboard has limitations such as ghosting, and it's not layed out ergonomically.

It seems like I might be able to integrate a store bought portable keyboard with limited keys into this concept, then build or use a guitar neck for it.

See my Arduinocaster project at:-