GxEPD Eink 1.54

Hi all!
We chose a good screen that we needed for a long time and settled on E-ink 1.54 https://heltec.org/project/154-e-ink/

The board was created (main controller ESP32-wroom) and we started the code. We figured out the library, but do not fully understand how it can work.
We're having a problem connecting to the SPI.
The fact is that we have the following connection for our esp32 board (it has 2 SPI - VSPI and HSPI):
The screen is connected to the pins:
e-ink HSPI


another sensor module VSPI


When I use the Native to Heltec eink library I get problems because the library uses the call to SPI.** which by default uses pins VSPI.
But my physical connection is different.

I found out that GxEPD is very friendly and can contain specified contacts, i.e. if I create an object SPIClass mynamespi(HSPI); and I will transfer the object to the library, then maybe everything will work? Another good person suggested to me that the creator of the library is often here.

Please help!

@smartua, Hi, welcome to the forum!

I hope you have seen and read How to get the best out of this forum already.

Yes, with GxEPD you can pass an instance of SPIClass to the constructor of GxIO_SPI.
This makes GxEPD easy to adapt to hardware with multiple SPI channels.

With the recent version of GxEPD2 you also have a similar option. See README.md.

See also related post Waveshare e-paper displays with SPI - #2924 by ZinggJM :
Version 1.4.3 of library GxEPD2 is available, install or update with Library Manager.

  • added option to select an alternate HW SPI channel and/or SPI settings
  • by method selectSPI(SPIClass& spi, SPISettings spi_settings) of driver base class GxEPD2_EPD
  • by calling selectSPI before calling init() of display class
  • or by calling extended init() method that has these parameters added
  • tested with RPi Pico RP2040 using Good Display DESPI-PICO connection shield
  • updated GxEPD2_Example to show use with DESPI-PICO
  • DESPI-PICO: see https://www.good-display.com/product/393.html

You would need to uncomment line 118

  //display.init(115200, true, 10, false, SPI0, SPISettings(4000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0)); // extended init method with SPI channel and/or settings selection

and replace SPI0 with your HW SPI instance.
But I did not test this with ESP32.

Please specify what help you need; what is your issue?


Wow! I did not think that the creator himself would answer me. I just needed help explaining. I will try it out soon and post!

About the forum - I understand, I will be thoughts

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