Gyro Problem: MPU6050

we are working on a head tracking solution based on the following components:

-Arduino Uno R3/Arduino Micro R3

  • MPU6050 Gyro
  • Bluetooth: DE-HC-06BT

We use the "geekmom" script to smoothen the values:

In the beginning everything works fine. But after a while it comes to a problem. The Yaw value is instable and starts incresing 0.01 degree per second.

Has anyone noticed such an behaviour before?

Best regards,

Yes, that's the sort of accuracy you can expect from that sensor. You need an external source of yaw data to stabilise it. A magnetic compass is often used.

Are you using the "quick and dirty" code? If so, don't. Use the links provided to the more advanced code.

The I2Cdevlib code is amazing. I didn't think the results I saw using this code with a $3 MPU6050 pcb could be possible.