ello, I have a problem with a gyroscope (itg3205). It communicate with arduino through i2c. The i2c adress is 0x69. The only thing I get are the same values when I move the gyroscope.
#include <Wire.h> // I2C library, gyroscope
// Gyroscope ITG3200
//#define GYRO 0x68 // when AD0 is connected to GND ,gyro address is 0x68.
#define GYRO 0x69 // when AD0 is connected to VCC ,gyro address is 0x69
#define G_SMPLRT_DIV 0x15
#define G_DLPF_FS 0x16
#define G_INT_CFG 0x17
#define G_PWR_MGM 0x3E
#define G_TO_READ 8 // 2 bytes for each axis x, y, z
// offsets are chip specific.
int g_offx = 120;
int g_offy = 20;
int g_offz = 93;
int hx, hy, hz, turetemp;
//initializes the gyroscope
void initGyro()
* ITG 3200
* power management set to:
* clock select = internal oscillator
* no reset, no sleep mode
* no standby mode
* sample rate to = 125Hz
* parameter to +/- 2000 degrees/sec
* low pass filter = 5Hz
* no interrupt
writeTo(GYRO, G_PWR_MGM, 0x00);
writeTo(GYRO, G_SMPLRT_DIV, 0x07); // EB, 50, 80, 7F, DE, 23, 20, FF
writeTo(GYRO, G_DLPF_FS, 0x1E); // +/- 2000 dgrs/sec, 1KHz, 1E, 19
writeTo(GYRO, G_INT_CFG, 0x00);
void getGyroscopeData(int * result)
Gyro ITG-3200 I2C
temp MSB = 1B, temp LSB = 1C
x axis MSB = 1D, x axis LSB = 1E
y axis MSB = 1F, y axis LSB = 20
z axis MSB = 21, z axis LSB = 22
int regAddress = 0x1B;
int temp, x, y, z;
byte buff[G_TO_READ];
readFrom(GYRO, regAddress, G_TO_READ, buff); //read the gyro data from the ITG3200
result[0] = ((buff[2] << 8) | buff[3]) + g_offx;
result[1] = ((buff[4] << 8) | buff[5]) + g_offy;
result[2] = ((buff[6] << 8) | buff[7]) + g_offz;
result[3] = (buff[0] << 8) | buff[1]; // temperature
void setup()
void loop()
byte addr;
int gyro[4];
hx = gyro[0] / 14.375;
hy = gyro[1] / 14.375;
hz = gyro[2] / 14.375;
turetemp = 35+ ((double) (gyro[3] + 13200)) / 280; // temperature
Serial.print(" X=");
Serial.print(" Y=");
Serial.print(" Z=");
Serial.print(" F=");
//---------------- Functions
//Writes val to address register on ACC
void writeTo(int DEVICE, byte address, byte val) {
Wire.beginTransmission(DEVICE); //start transmission to ACC
Wire.write(address); // send register address
Wire.write(val); // send value to write
Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
//reads num bytes starting from address register on ACC in to buff array
void readFrom(int DEVICE, byte address, int num, byte buff[]) {
Wire.beginTransmission(DEVICE); //start transmission to ACC
Wire.write(address); //sends address to read from
Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
Wire.beginTransmission(DEVICE); //start transmission to ACC
Wire.requestFrom(DEVICE, num); // request 6 bytes from ACC
int i = 0;
while(Wire.available()) //ACC may send less than requested (abnormal)
buff[i] = Wire.read(); // receive a byte
Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
I connect the gyroscope and arduino: SCL to SCL, SDA to SDA, 3.3v and ground.
I found on the arduino forum a i2c adress scanner.
But the only thing that I get from the scanner is no device founded. But I don't know if this scanner work are not or is it my gyroscope that is broke. Please can someone help me?