I recently started working with the MPU 6050 gyroscope and accelerometer module with the Arduino. I saw programs or it from the internet but were too complicated to understand it and edit it according to my personal projects. is there an easy method like to get directly the gyroscope angles and accelerometer value. if not directly at least a easy library.
The MPU6050 library available in the IDE library manager includes an example "MPU6050_raw.ino" which does exactly what you're requesting except that the gyroscope doesn't output angles but rotational speed values.
The MPU6050 library available in the IDE library manager includes an example "MPU6050_raw.ino" which does exactly what you're requesting except that the gyroscope doesn't output angles but rotational speed values.
yhea i knew about it....howerver its so complicated that i am not able to understand every line so that i am able to edit the program according to my needs