Hack calculator FX-92 college

Hello, I'm looking to hack a FX-92 college calculator, but I don't know how to do it...
I have Arduino and electronic hardware at home and I would like to know if anyone knows how to do it
( Very Very not problem for the code )

What do you mean by hack ?

Do you want the calculator to give wrong answers ?

rather be able to install plugins or games with a key combination...

Why do you not just program it with its own programming language? It is normally "without memory" and therefore allowed in exams in France, in accordance with circular n°2015-178 of the Ministry of National Education, so you want to install plugins with answers?

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I didn't know this article but that's not important to me because I finished my studies and I do a lot of arduino, I found my old calculator from college and I said to myself that it would be a good project for the transform

(in an internet search) It seems to have an on-board language... and uses "turtle" graphics to draw, a language from the late 1970s.

does that mean you know?

What kind of hack are you looking for? Just a hack of any type?

Here's a cool calculator hack. Put in 13381and add 15623. Then multiply by 2. Now turn the calculator upside down and read what it says. Giggle.

I want to hack it to be able to run games or various plugins

Did you write programs to install?

I do nothing, i didn't know how to start and what i need to do

Maybe start out with exploring with the onboard language + turtles from post #6 by xfpd?

Ok but how to import it to the calculator ?

We don't even know what it is that you want to do.

Are there some games that you've found that are supposed to run on this calculator? What plugins are you talking about? Do you have a link to what you're trying to install?

Did you try the hack I gave you earlier? It's a good one.

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I will reapeat : I want to "hack", "modde" my calculator to be able to run games, plugins etc.
I have ele and Arduino gear, does anyone know how I could go about it?

Wrong forum. This is not an Arduino problem.

This one adds a Nano...

Yes,i think i can hack it with my Arduino