Hal_ll_target.h file copy (URGENT)


Thank you for your time reading this forum.

I would like to ask does anybody has a copy of the file named"hal_ll_target.h"? I need it for my project. I can't find it on GitHub or anywhere. Please share with me a copy of that file.

Thanks in advance.

@evanmars , be careful, OP asks about hal_ll_target.h, and your link is for hal_ll_tim.h

Yes, both of these files have some differences. :slightly_smiling_face:
By the way, thanks @b707

@anon65951220 please reply here with a detailed description of why you need this file.

Are you using a sketch or tutorial you found somewhere on the Internet for your project? If so, provide a link to it.

If not, is the error related to some library you are using in your sketch? If so, we need to know which library. If you installed it using the Arduino Library Manager (Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries... in Arduino IDE or Libraries > Library Manager in the "Arduino Web Editor") then say so and state the full name of the library. Or if you downloaded the library from the Internet, then provide the link to the page you downloaded it from.

It is important for you to understand a couple of things:

Even if you find a file of that name on the Internet, there is no guarantee it will contain the right code.

Even if it contains the right code, most often a .h file is part of a multi-file program, library, or core. The immediate symptom you will see when compiling the sketch that depends on those files is an error about the missing .h file, but if you only install that .h file and not all the other files then you will not solve the real problem.

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OK, thanks.

This is the source code that I got from. It is not from the Arduino library.


It needs this file.

The name of the file you linked to is different from what you posted ( so it is impossible to find with google ).
But on the top of the page you linked, there is a link to get the documented .h file:
Go to the source code of this file.
I don't know if its really what you need.

No, I mean I get the code "hal_target.h" from that website. Then, in this file, there is an unavailable file named "hal_ll_target.h". So I'm looking for it and asking if anybody has a copy of that file.

This is my clarification. Thanks.

mikrosdk_v2/hal/interface at master · MikroElektronika/mikrosdk_v2 · GitHub

Okay. I need to search the file in GitHub.
Next time while uploading a link, please direct link to the solution.

I need new glasses

Sorry, I pasted the wrong link. :man_facepalming:t2:
The file is in that same repository.
Can I give you the correct link or have you already found it?

Yes, I mark it as a solution.
You may edit the link.
I just searched the files in the repo.


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