Hall effect sensor question.

Hi all,

I have been using a reed switch to measure wheelspeed on a bicycle. It works fine as a digital input but at higher speeds the reading is not excellent.

I would like to sub the reed switches out and use hall effect sensors.

I have some of these sensors: http://australia.rs-online.com/web/p/hall-effect-sensors/1811441/

I thought I would be able to use these sensors as a digital input, but can not get it reading LOW to HIGH.

Can I do it with this sensor?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Yes you can do it with that sensor. How have you connected it to the Arduino? Do you have the magnet and the sensor in the correct relative orientation?

I get 10k rpm on powetballs (hand gyro thing) and it uses a reed switch...

Of the 2 kinds of hall sensors, you need the cheaper of the kind which simply gived a low/high value depending on the magnets polarity as it passes the hall sensor the more expensive hall sensors give a value of how strong/near the magnet is.

but can not get it reading LOW to HIGH.

You need either an external pull up resistor or to enable the internal ones on the digital input you use.

These give a low high out...


These give a low high out...

There is nothing wrong with the sensor he has got.



These give a low high out...

There is nothing wrong with the sensor he has got.

Never suggested he should switch...... just merely pointing out there's several kinds of hall sensors on market.

Never suggested he should switch...... just merely pointing out there's several kinds of hall sensors on market.

You know one day you might actually post something useful to someone. But I won't hold my breath.

So much hostility from a grumpy wumpy mikey