Hall effect turn counter

Hey folks!

I'm also very new to arduino.
What I'm trying to do is essentially count the rotations of a motor as it winds a wire into a coil. This is to be used in winding pickups for guitars and other similar things.

My best plan at the moment is to use a dc motor, have a speed controller connected, and then be using a hall effect sensor to count the individual turns and display the total turns on an LCD screen (5 digits). I'm happy to have +- 5% accuracy max.

Any one have any ideas? Or better yet know of a project where this has been done?

All help appreciated <3

Or find a dc motor with a built-in encoder?

I would suggest you read the Arduino cookbook, it will give you a lot of valuable information and most likely will give you both the software and hardware configuration to do your task. This response is to help you get started in solving your problem, not solve it for you.
Good Luck & Have Fun!

Coil winding is something the Arduino can be good at and there are lots of examples on google for just that application.

Two schools of though seem to be a DC motor approach with such as a hall effect as you describe and the second school is a stepper motor where there is more control even without a feedback loop such as the hall sensor.

If you are going to be doing long runs such as thousands of pieces then speed and a DC motor would probably fit the bill.

If only a few items on occasion with no hurry for a quick turn around but known accuracy then the stepper approach.

To get you started a few samples from Google
