Happy birth year, 555

LM741 released in 1968, makes it 54 years old.

Tom... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

I mean it's not possible to get 50% duty cycle in all the exact frequencies for music notes and that rectangular waves sound terrible in comparison, in all seriousness.

I guess rectangular waves will have different harmonics than square waves, because of the unequal high/low periods. It would be interesting to hear those differences.

EDIT: I found this page which shows how the harmonics differ between square waves and rectangular waves. Unfortunately, there is no "play sample" button for the rectangular wave :angry:

In addition to the better sound, you can use multiple units easily.

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555s are little.

I suppose that means that the power draw of the 555 itself does not matter.

For any serious project, do we not actually recommend the CMOS version?

Did you find any Epileptic wildlife falling out of the trees in your travels.

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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