Heh the magnesium oxide inside my oven's heating element caught fire and was glowing super white hot tossing sparks ...
the fire department just left...
now I get to go to the in laws in about an hour
Heh the magnesium oxide inside my oven's heating element caught fire and was glowing super white hot tossing sparks ...
the fire department just left...
now I get to go to the in laws in about an hour
That sucks! But still have as good of a Thanksgiving as you can!
magnesium oxide inside my oven's heating element caught fire
Turkey with added minerals?
it was only pre-heating so no thermite turkey for me
Yikes! I hope your Thanksgiving (somehow) gets better!
I just heard the wife say, "it's either going to be a really good turkey or a really crappy turkey cause I'm trying something new." I guess we're having mystery / surprise turkey!
The Mrs. knows better than to "experiment" on Thanksgiving Day.
Hope y'all have a really delicious Turkey Day!
Flame grilled turkey! Why use a BBQ when you can use an oven?