Im Creating a Paintball Agr (Black Ops 2 Tank)
I Was Wondering if I can attach a Hard Drive to my arduino and tell it to look from the hard drive for its data If you can please help
its going to be a big tank I it will have a gun, feed system, sensor, camera, tracks, and so on I really dont want to overload my arduino so I would use a hard drive to save my data and the arduino to run the data
It is possible to connect a USB hard drive to an Arduino. It will be slower than an SD.
The easiest way is to use a Mega ADK. You will need an drive that can be powered by an external power supply. The drive must be formatted FAT32.
I wrote the UsbFat library for USB drives.
Here is output from the UsbDriveInfo example with a 500 GB drive connected to a Mega ADK.
UsbFat version: 20141220
FreeRam 7119
Type any character to begin
USB initialized.
Volume initialized.
Volume Size: 499982.59 MB (MB = 1,000,000 bytes)
Volume is FAT32
blocksPerCluster: 64
clusterCount: 15258258
fatStartBlock: 2080
fatCount: 2
blocksPerFat: 119206
rootDirStart: 2
dataStartBlock: 240492
Determining free cluster count - please wait.
freeClusters: 15258240
freeSpace: 499982.00 MB (MB = 1,000,000 bytes)
A 32GB Sd card is a lot of storage and would be easier. SdFat will accept SDXC cards that are formatted FAT32. You can buy this 256GB cards for about $82. 512GB cards are available but cost about $450.