Could someone please tell me where the function PIO_Configure is documented and how I can find the prototype for this function. I have searched with "grep" till I am blue in the face, and googled for hours with no luck.
I see lots of example programs making all sorts of hardware access, but I can not find the documentation for the routines being called .... So please help - I just want to know what functions are available for my DUE, where they are defined, and would appreciates any documentation.
It is from the Atmel Software Framework:
Arduino iibSAM:
I hope this helps.
Edit: The header should be on your system hardware/arduino/sam/system/libsam/include/pio.h
Could someone please tell me where the function PIO_Configure is documented and how I can find the prototype for this function. I have searched with "grep" till I am blue in the face, and googled for hours with no luck.
I see lots of example programs making all sorts of hardware access, but I can not find the documentation for the routines being called .... So please help - I just want to know what functions are available for my DUE, where they are defined, and would appreciates any documentation.
How is this for start?
ASF documentation is a reasonable resource, but sometime not in place where you expect it. ( sam3s!)
Due is SAM3x8e.
Wow big thanks for that help, finally I can find stuff.
As it turns out in the arduino IDE 1.6.8 I never thought that the installation produced hidden files ! I just never thought to look in ...
So finally I can understand what the magic "chip.h" is doing, whew that was a pain
Thanks a lot for the help and the links, as it happens I have doxygen, and once I have the sources I am fine.