Hardware interrupt switching

Hi, there people,

This is my first project and also my first time coding. So I'm trying to create a slotcar timer for my dad (I did not know this was a fairly prevalent project), since his timer died. Now I would like to detect if a car makes a jumpstart. My problem is that by using a short minimumtime I will get false positives for new laps. But by creating a long minimum time the car could already cross the line and I would not get the starting time of the car. So my idea was to switch the hardware interrupt funtions with a longer minimum elapsed time once the first crossing was done. But right now I'm a little stuck in the code I created, I simplified it a little and left irrelevant function calls out of it:

// Setup sensors
byte sensorPin1 = 2;
byte sensorPin2 = 3;

// flag for function pointer array
int setFunction1 = 0;
int setFunction2 = 0;

// for handeling the when to increase the function pointer or end script
int raceState1 = 0;
int raceState2 = 0;

// variables needed related to timing
unsigned long contactTime1;
unsigned long contactTime2;
unsigned long contactTime2previous;
unsigned long contactTime1previous;
unsigned long raceStart1; 

// function pointer with array of isr functions
void (*functionISR1[])() = {newContactStart1, newContactLap1};
void (*functionISR2[])() = {newContactStart2, newContactLap2};

// first lap contact timer to look for a jumpstart by car 1 and/or 2
void newContactStart1(){
  if (millis() - contactTime1 > jumpstart) {
    contactTime1 = millis() ;
  else {
    raceState = 5;

void newContactStart2(){
  if (millis() - contactTime2 > jumpstart) {
    contactTime2 = millis() ;
  else { 
    raceState = 5;

// longer mintime to allow for sensor reset since laps shouldnt be that short.
// ISR funtions 1 and 2 respectively
void newContactLap1() {
  if (millis() - contactTime1 > minTime) {
    contactTime1 = millis();

void newContactLap2() {
  if (millis() - contactTime2 > minTime) {
    contactTime2 = millis();

void setup() {

// interrupts attached.
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(sensorPin1), functionISR1[setFunction1], FALLING);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(sensorPin2), functionISR2[setFunction2], FALLING);


void loop() {
  if (contactTime1 != contactTime1previous)     //which is based on jumpstart time and if before jumpstart time state =5;
    if (raceState1 == 0){
      raceState ++ ; 
      // so i know the total time of the race for the winner and reset the timer for laps.                                     
      contactTime1previous = raceStart1 = contactTime1 ;
      // Display laps total race etc.
    if (raceState1 == 1){
      // calcultate and display laptime base on previous contactime. take of a lap --
      contactTime1previous = contactTime1 ;
    if (raceState == 5) {
      // end script because of jumpstart, or something else like add a panalty lap or panalty time to total time.

// the same for player 2 with all the values 2

Now I think my problem is that updating the function in the functionpointer doesn't update the ISR function am I right? To solve this can I just call a new attachinterrupt on the places specified with "*****"? Am I allowed to do this inside the ISR function to make sure it doesn't keep interrupting before setting the timer to the other interrupt function in the main loop? Or should i do it at the place i specified with "#####" outside of the ISR function?

I would like to use IR sensors in the final setup but I am using buttons right now to test since I wasn't sure i was going to get this to work (like I said first project). I have since ordered the sensors but they haven't arrived yet. is there any other problem I should be wary of when using IR sensors instead of the buttons I now use besides dialing in the minimumtime and jumpstart variable?

Lastly, I don't know if this should be in a different post but would switching to an Arduino nano, because it has 2 cores (if i'm not mistaken), allow me to play music when the race starts and ends?

I hope I stated my problem clearly and anyone can help me out. Thank you in advance for reading.

Your program is not quite right. "setup()" has formatting issues. All lines must be terminated with a semi-colon (;). Also, move your attachinterrupt calls inside setup(). You have a line of asterisks (*****) that should not be there. These definitions need to be outside setup():

  // Setup sensors
  byte sensorPin1 = 2;
  byte sensorPin2 = 3;
  // flag for function pointer array
  int setFunction1 = 0;
  int setFunction2 = 0;
  // for handeling the when to increase the function pointer or end script
  int raceState1 = 0;
  int raceState2 = 0;
  // variables needed related to timing
  unsigned long contactTime1;
  unsigned long contactTime2;
  unsigned long contactTime2previous;
  unsigned long contactTime1previous;
  unsigned long raceStart1;

Thank you for your time I changed the problems you addressed. These are unfortunately not the problems in my real code, I just got sloppy copy pasting the sections of code needed to explain my problem, my bad. I think I fixed all the issues now.

"Auto-format" your code when you make changes. Doing this will show mis-alignment, indicating syntax issues in the code. Very good that you found your errors.