I'm new with Arduino and i'm not sure which hardware i need to use to realize this.
I need 10 digital output (these i will connect to a relay, and the relay will be connected to an electronic valve).
I need 2 analog input (temperature transmitter, i will connect the rod inside a water tank to measure the temperature). Can i use a 4-20mA transmitter or can i use a PT100?
I need wifi so i can take over the system from distance to select the setpoint or select which valve should be force opened with an HMI on the mobile.
Can someone help me with which hardware i should use best.
An Uno is the best Arduino for a beginner because most add-ons and software work with it. It can easily deal with your 10 digital outputs and 2 analog inputs.
I am not familiar with the 4-20mA system.
You can use a cheap ESP8266-01 module to add WiFi.
An Uno is probably good for developing the project and it can be used to program AVR chips for an end product.
ESP8266 boards can be gotten cheap, under $5. They have wifi, a 32-bit core with 64K RAM but only 8 IO pins. In Arduino projects they're usually wifi addons. ESP does have other wifi-capable boards with more pins, they're not so cheap.
Not knowing what you plan/need for program space and RAM nor what you're able to code makes recommending a board or even being sure what board will work impossible. You might need a Due or other ARM-duino for all I know! You probably don't but I dunno.
Adding a MCP23017 I2C expander or a couple of SPI shift registers to the ESP8266 will give you 16 digital outputs for controlling the valves (along with MOSFET drivers). That way you could do the project with just an ESP8266, no other Arduino needed.
The 18B30 is a more accurate version of the 18B20 as a lot of members here have reported.
That doesn't mean you must need the 30, just be aware there are other versions/specs available.
Between request for data and response in one project was 95-100 ms. It didn't matter there as temperature was taken every 10 minutes.
ESP8266 boards can be gotten cheap, under $5. They have wifi, a 32-bit core with 64K RAM but only 8 IO pins.
Make that 11, plus one analog input, unfortunately OP needs two of those. GPIO9 and 10 can be used as well by changing some settings (never tried this) bringing the total to 13.
Some pins do have special functions in the boot process and of course there's the TX/RX pair so there are restrictions on what you can do with them.
Maybe the ESP32 is an option.