HardwareSerial.cpp error with DMX Proejct

Hello guys,

currently I'm working on a project that reads Serial DMX512 data processes it in the Arduino.

I tried it with the help of this tutorial: http://www.crazy-logic.co.uk/projects/lighting/receiving-dmx-on-arduino-with-ardmx

The Sketch i use works with a modified Hardwareserial.cpp file.

This is my Sketch:

/* pinout 
pin0 - serial in
pin7 - error2 - bad dmx (non dimmer data)
pin8 - error3 - last channel not recieved. 
pin12 - error1 - tooo much time between frames. 
pin13 - dmx data output for demo. 
pinout */

#define Dmxchannels 3   //the number of channels we want. 
volatile uint8_t  DmxRxField[Dmxchannels]; //array of 8 bit int DMX vals (raw)
volatile uint16_t DmxAddress; //start address (16 bit int)

States gDmxState; //create a global variable. 
//idle - nothing interesting to be dooing, 
//break - the break has been recieved so expect some data after a startcode. 
//startcode - the startcode wase recieved so we're now into the frames of data stage. 
//myaddresses - we've started receieving data for my addresses. 

//error1 is no new packet within time defined by the defualt timer. 
boolean error1 = true;
int timer;
int defaulterror1time=500;
// i recomend at least 100 to avoid the LED flickering between packets, 
// and not more than 2000, as 2 seconds is reasonably long. 

//error2 for bad DMX (non dimmer data)
boolean error2 = true;
//error 2 is all to do with the valid startcode.... and it only apperas in that code. 

//error3 is for last channel not recieved. 
//it only is true if a new packet is recieved before the end of the last one. 
//its implimented in two parts. 
//serror3 is within the ISR, it's set to true at the begining of a packet, 
//serror3 is set to false once the last frame expected is recieved. 
boolean error3 = false;
boolean serror3 = false;
//in the break section of code, if it gets to a break and is still an error 
//then that means that error3 has occoured.  

void setup()
  Serial.begin(250000); //Enable serial reception with a 250k rate
  gDmxState= IDLE; // initial state
  DmxAddress = 1; // The desired DMX Start Adress
  pinMode(13,OUTPUT); //added by me for an example. 
  pinMode(12,OUTPUT); //added by me for an example.
  pinMode(7,OUTPUT); //added by me for an example.
  pinMode(8,OUTPUT); //added by me for an example.


ISR(USART_RX_vect) {
        //this code/function is called whenever the harware UART recieves a low 
        //startbit (well it's called after the byte is recieved.)
        // two byte counter - needed to count upto all 512 channel frames
 static  uint16_t DmxCounter;

 uint8_t  USARTstate= UCSR0A;    //get state before data!
 uint8_t  DmxByte   = UDR0;    //get data
 uint8_t  DmxState  = gDmxState; //just load once from SRAM to increase speed

 if (USARTstate &(1<<FE0)) //check for break
                //data has been recieved, the USART is enabled and it's 
                //low signal for more than 8 bits
                // so an error has also been created - this is a Break. 
                gDmxState= BREAK;
                //as this marks the start of a new packet we shall set a counter to the 
                //address we wish to use as our start address.
 DmxCounter =  DmxAddress; 
                //dmx counter counts down untill it reaches the address 
                if(serror3==true) {error3=true;} 
                serror3 = true; //as we're at the start of a packet.
                //lets set the error1 timer back to it's default and set it to 
                //false as DMX is imcomming 
                timer=defaulterror1time; error1=false; 
        //lets assume that the break has occoured - then to get this far in the code, 
        //another frame of data has been recieved. As the //break has occoured then the 
        //next frame should be the start code. The start code for DMX data for 
        //dimmer channels is the 0 value.  
 else if (DmxState == BREAK)
                if (DmxByte == 0) //normal start code detected
                  {gDmxState= STARTCODE; error2=false;}  
 else //non normal start code recieved eg: RDM packet. 
                            //ignore the rest of the packet.
                  { gDmxState= IDLE; error2=true;} 

 //to get to this point, we've had a break, then the start code. 
        //the next frame should be the the first channel of DMX data. 
        else if (DmxState == STARTCODE)
                //now we need to see if we are in the data before the start address 
                //or at the start address.
                //to do this lets decrement the counter and see if it's 0. 
                //the counter initially was set to the start address, so when it gets to 
                //the start address's frame it should be zero. 
 if (--DmxCounter == 0) //start address reached?
                        //wahoo - we're at the start address so lets grab this frame
 DmxRxField[DmxCounter]= DmxByte; //get 1st DMX channel of device
                        DmxCounter= 1; //set up counter for required channels
 if(Dmxchannels==1){gDmxState= IDLE;serror3 = false;}
                        else{gDmxState= MYADDRESSES;}

        //to get to here we've recieved a break, start code and frams upto and 
        //including the first channel we want.  
 else if (DmxState == MYADDRESSES)
                //lets incriment the counter, 
                //is the new counter equal to the number of channels we require?
                //(remember here that the DMX counter is zero indexed and the 
                //Dmx channels is 1 indexed...
                //if so then we've gone past our last channel so go back to the idel 
                //if not then this data is for one of our channels so chuck it into 
                //the array.  
 DmxRxField[DmxCounter++]= DmxByte; //get channel
 if (DmxCounter >= Dmxchannels) //all ch received?
 gDmxState= IDLE; //wait for next break  
                        serror3 = false; //as we're at the end of data expected. 
//end of ISR 

void loop()
  //lets output the error status to LED's
  if(error1==true){digitalWrite(12, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(12, LOW);}
  if(error2==true){digitalWrite(7, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(7, LOW);}
  //error2 is kindof untested as i dont have any unvalid or DRM dmx devices. 
  if(error3==true){digitalWrite(8, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(8, LOW);}
  //this is the count down part for the ''timer''
  if(timer==0)  {error1=true;}
  else  {  timer--;  }
  //this delays the loop by 1ms... less than ideal but required for the timer
  //counting down between successfull packets.
  //if your action function takes significant time to output stuff then 
  //you could remove the delay by making it a comment as the action loop 
  //would be a time delay. in this case the timer is then more of a counter, 
  //with error 1 being a number of action calls without a successfull DMX 
  //packet being recieved. 

void action()
  //stuff to do
  if(DmxRxField[2]>127)  {digitalWrite(13, HIGH);}
  else   {digitalWrite(13, LOW);}

Have a look at the next post for the error message!

What is wrong here?

Maybe an older Version of the IDE would solve the problem. I'm testing at the moment..
Someones got the same problem?

Thanks in advance, Tom!

The Error Message: Arduino: 1.8.5 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"C:\Program Files (x8 - Pastebin.com (it's too long for this post..)

You failed modifying the HardwareSerial.cpp. You didn't provide the code for that file so we are not able to help you. It's generally a bad idea to modify the code supplied by the IDE if you don't know exactly what you're doing.

And don't use pastebin, if it's to long for the form attach it.


Now I attached both files.
The Hardwareserials.cpp is already modified.

HardwareSerial.cpp (13.5 KB)

dmx_demo_3.ino (6.87 KB)

That HardwareSerial.cpp is from a 1.0 version of the IDE. Do you really use such an ancient version?

The diff of your changes is:

--- arduino/arduino-1.0.6/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp	2014-09-16 15:42:48.000000000 +0200
+++ /tmp/mozilla_pklaus0/HardwareSerial.cpp	2017-11-13 17:13:03.169583870 +0100
@@ -146,10 +146,10 @@
   #define serialEvent1_implemented
-    if (bit_is_clear(UCSR1A, UPE1)) {
+ /* if (bit_is_clear(UCSR1A, UPE1)) {
       unsigned char c = UDR1;
       store_char(c, &rx_buffer1);
-    } else {
+ */ } else {
       unsigned char c = UDR1;

So the resulting code part looks like this:

#if defined(USART1_RX_vect)
  void serialEvent1() __attribute__((weak));
  void serialEvent1() {}
  #define serialEvent1_implemented
 /* if (bit_is_clear(UCSR1A, UPE1)) {
      unsigned char c = UDR1;
      store_char(c, &rx_buffer1);
 */ } else {
      unsigned char c = UDR1;

If I remove the comment (it is ignored by the compiler), the code is:

#if defined(USART1_RX_vect)
  void serialEvent1() __attribute__((weak));
  void serialEvent1() {}
  #define serialEvent1_implemented
  } else {
      unsigned char c = UDR1;

As you can see the ISR is now empty (the curly braces are immediately closed) and there is an else clause that doesn't make sense there.

BTW, given you would have correctly adapted the syntax that change would ignore everything received on the serial interface. Was that really expected?