Harvesting MAX7219 Chips


i only found one retailer in switzerland for the MAX7219 IC's and they're quite expensive (~25$ per chip).
now, i think there must be many other applications where these are used.

could i harvest from other electronic things these chips? maybe an old printer, or something like that with a 7-seg display.

so my question, in what electronics are the MAX7219/7221 used?

25$ per chip, What kind of retailer is that ?

That chip costs no more than 6?.

well, its Farnell, the self proclaimed "world leading high service, low volume distributor of electronic".
the chip itself costs 23.95CHF, which is aproximally 25$. oh, and the shipping is additional 15CHF.

anyway, i didnt found another retailer in switzerland. :frowning:

Farnell, muahahaha.

In Germany they don't even sell to hobbyists. They ask you to order from some smaller company that distributes their stuff to the 'unworthy'. Of course that costs about 25% more.

Why not just order at e.g. segor.de ?
If you order small parts, they'll send it as a standard letter for 7?.

Even if you have to pay VAT / customs fees, I don't think it will cost you anywhere near of 25$ per chip !

They are $6.50 at seeedstudio:
You can also find them for similar price on ebay.

damn it, why didnt i see it on seeedstudio, i just purchased my arduino and seeduino from there one week ago ^^

guess, i know where i'm going to order them next time :slight_smile:

thanks a lot

btw: distrelec.ch sells them for 16.- part #647200

thanks, found them too, but still kinda expensive.
I bought 5 from seedstudio a few weeks ago

can you tell me how much the shipping costs, customs and taxes were ?

They were never cheap...