Has anyone made an arduino guitar effect?

Sorry if this is the wrong section to post this, just wondering if anyone has made any guitar effects/pedal type things with there Arduino? If is it a basic project for someone who is just starting out to try and take on?

Google says yes.



Was wondering more like if anyone has done it a them self, i found a pretty cool one from instructables.com and wanted to know who or if anyone has tried it also.

You can do a bit of sound processing that could be used for this, see this link:-


wow thanks that is pretty much the type of info i was trying to get out of this thread. Have you done the project at all i just got a chance to see it but it does mention reverb flanger and others that i was hopeing to achieve.

Have you done the project at all

No but I have studied the code and examples and it represents about the best you can achieve with this processor.
The main problem with audio processing on the arduino is the lack of memory to put samples in. This limits things like echo and reverb.

Ahh so it alone is not to effective but im guessing. Also does anyone have a layout for this circuit http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Guitar-Pedal/step8/Build-the-circuit/. I suppose i should start with the guide effect and then work into something more my interest since i am new to all of this. And if you there is no layout guide for the circuit on the shied what is the best way to learn to read schematics (books,tutorial) so i dont blow my proto shield?

thanks again for the help and interesting input.