I have a Raspberry Pi 4, latest fully updated 64-Bit Raspberry Pi OS, with latest 64-Bit Arduino stable software v1.8.19, and a Pico RP2040. I have to keep uploading over, and over, and over until the Port "/dev/ttyACM0 (Raspberry Pi Pico)" shows up; it's usually only "/dev/ttyAMA0", but after approximately 5 tries on average I'll get the ACM0 Port and I can connect the Serial Monitor to it (must also set Tools/Debug Port to "Serial" to see Serial.print* statements.) It's a real pain because I have my Monitor/Keyboard/Mouse set up in one room, and have to get up, walk to another room where the Pico Hardware is to manually reset it every time (two fumbly handed operation to hold button with one hand, while holding the USB Connector and the RPi sliding around with other hand,) then walk back to Upload and hope, hope, hope it works this time. Same results on both a Raspberry Pi Pico, and a SparkFun Thing Plus RP2040.
Anyone have any thoughts as to why I have to keep trying over, and over, and over to get the Serial Port? It's insanely time consuming.
What I do on ESP32s: plug it in and see if the serial monitor shows up. Many times it shows "no device on /dev/tty/ACMO", but if the serial monitor works, it uploads and shows you Serial.Print outputs.
Why is all your text in a box that is reserved for code.
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How are you trying to program the Pico?
Which of the two Arduino frameworks are you trying to use?
Have you downloaded the appropriate boot loader code to them?
Have you held down the reset button when powering up the Pico?
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