ok last problem solved need to run an older version of arduino compiler environment compiled on version 22 but after upload with error message that you suppose to get it still don't blink the led at this rate ill never get to debugging the code i wanna use hahaha..
new error message says
avrdude: please define pagel and bs2 signals in configuration
file for part attiny85
avrdude: stk500_program_enable (): protocol error, exect=0x14,
initialization faild, rc=-1
wiring all seems fine checked with multimeter is there any thing that needs to be done befor the at85 can except code from isp ?
Have you used the correct pins? The Mega board has its SPI pins in a different place to the Uno boards.
On the Mega, the SPI Pins are MOSI = 51, MISO = 50, SCLK = 52, SS = 53.